Sunday, November 11, 2018

How To Stay On Track With Your Fitness Goals?

To reach your fitness goals you must have the definitive result in mind, it is important to have goals that will direct your focus as well as your direction. Below are some strategic tips that can help you acquire your short-term as well as long-term goals and help you stick with it when you're feeling grumpy or tired or frustrated or hungry.

1. Write everything down. By making a written record of every workout performed every week, you will have a motivating record of your achievements. This routine makes you overcome any obstacles that may get in the way of achieving your results.

2. Write down what you eat. This will make you more understanding of what you use to feed your body, how much you're eating and how many calories you consume on a daily basis so you will eat healthily.

3. Drink more water. Drinking more water each and every day changes everything from the quantity of energy you have on a daily source,

4. Find a Workout Partner. A good workout partner provides supports and helps you stay focused and excited. This will motivate you to work hard to inspire each other until you reach your goals.

5. Meditate. A daily meditation every day will make sure that your motivation stays healthy, and your stress levels reduce. Reduce the stress levels in your life through relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise. You'll look and feel way better for it.

6. Switch up your fitness routine all the time for the best results. Changing up your routines enables you to eliminate boredom and also allows your muscles to exercise in different ways.

7. After your workout, wait 30-45 minutes, and then consume a high-quality source of protein and vegetable. You should find a special way to compensate yourself for your hard work, by getting a relaxation massage to refresh your mind and body.

8. Before and After Photos - This can be a powerful way to really see your progress and achievements along the way toward reaching your fitness goal.

9. Try at least one new activity. try at least one new activity each month will serve to work the muscles in a manner they aren't used to and that will really improve the level of results you get from your training.

10. Good sleep for a better body. Proper resting periods should be maintained to enable the body to relax and readjust to its normal functioning. Failure to this leads to poor food choices as well as low energy.

Setting a goal for your workout program for the coming months is vital to your success. Goal setting is one of the most important things you can do and will help you take your success that much further.

How to Start Weight Loss Through Cycling

If you are one of those who made a resolution to start changing their lifestyle to be fit and healthy, you might want to try cycling as an exercise. Unlike weight training and running which usually strains your ankles and other muscles, cycling is a low impact exercise that burns calories as much as, or even twice as much as hitting the gym. Cycling regularly can make your muscles stronger. The stronger the muscles are, the better and faster your legs and hips work allowing your body to burn more calories while cycling.

To get optimum results in your cycling, you may want to complement the exercise with a healthy diet consisting of more vegetables and lean protein. Also, experts advice riders to eat a healthy breakfast before the ride and to never skip a meal. Starving the body of food makes one's metabolic processes to hold on to more fat instead of using and burning them. Experts also suggest that during long rides, it is advisable for the rider to take a short break and take snacks. This does not only provide energy but curbs craving that results to more unhealthy eating after the ride.

You might also find that following a training plan might be helpful for your cycling program to help you be fit and healthy. One experienced rider suggested a bike plan that allows you to ride at different speeds and intensities. For instance, you may plan your bike paths from pleasure cruising at the park on a designated day and cross training on another day.

You may also want to start your bike speed at an easy intensity such as riding at 8-12 mph. This is an almost effortless pedaling with only a light tension in your legs. You, may also experience steady breathing but not the huffing and puffing that one usually experience in a strenuous exercise.

Cycling at a moderate speed means that you are riding from 12 to 16 mph. At this rate, there would be more tension in your legs and your breathing would be heavier. Heavy breathing expands the lungs and allows more oxygen in the body that actually helps in burning body fat.

When you feel you are confident enough, you can go faster at a harder intensity form 16 to 20 mph but remember not to stay within this speed for so long as your legs and lungs would be working to their maximum capacity.

Just like any exercise, experienced riders advice cyclists not to forget to do warm up and stretch exercises before going out on the road for a ride. These exercises will prevent muscle injury and conditions the body for the ride.

Whether you are an average sized rider or a heavier one who wanted to try biking for recreational purposes, commuting, or losing weight, check out Zize Bikes for a line-up of custom made, extra sturdy bicycles for everybody that can support ALL riders of ALL sizes (up to 550 pounds).

How To Self Motivate To Lose Weight By Learning These 3 Tricks

Is it possible to learn how to self motivate to lose weight?

Do you recall the bumbling feeling of frustrating yourself? Perhaps you want to exercise and eat right to lose weight, but it seems like you just can't get started. This brings up so many emotions like feeling devastated and discouraged. It is almost crippling to have these emotions come up everyday. Maybe you don't have enough support so you feel painfully alone and not sure where to start.

All of these emotions are strong and uncontrollable. But, you have the ability to lift yourself up, start a new day, and accomplish your goals as you learn how to self motivate to lose weight. The first thing you need to do is recognize your mistakes. Once you know your pitfalls, you can avoid them in the future. Now that you know what to avoid, don't look back again. Just look forward and take action each day. As you continue to take action each day, soon you will triumph and become victorious as achieve your goals.

Achieving my goals came faster than I thought. I was able to lose more than I had originally intended and get a flat stomach by sticking to my plan no matter what. Sure there were hard days, but there is always going to be difficult times. Just remember that once you get started, there will be days that you will have to pick yourself up again and again. But, you can do it. You have to, no one else is going to do it for you.

How To Self Motivate To Lose Weight By Learning These 3 Tricks

1. Start New. A good way to get excited about losing weight is to buy a new piece of exercise gear or clothing. This can create a sense of accountability as well, since you spent the money to buy it, you better use it, right? Of course you'll want to try it out and see how well it looks and works. It's a great way to get started.

2. Get a buddy. Support can be an excellent way to keep up the energy. Enlist a buddy to exercise with you and/or be involved in your nutritious eating.

3. Reward yourself. Set up a rewards system to keep up the energy. Make sure you don't use food as a reward. Use a fun activity, more exercise gear, or a something social to reward your consistency and weight loss goals.

How To See Fast Results With Getting Rid Of Belly Fat

Is it possible to see fast results with getting rid of belly fat? Yes, but it requires an extreme change on your part. You can do sit-ups and crunches until your face is purple, but if there is belly fat covering all of the muscle you are building, you are never going to see it! Working out is great and does help to burn fat calories, but watching what you eat is key to getting rid of belly fat.

I know this maybe what you didn't want to hear. I love food and I love eating it, so this isn't the greatest news for me either. But, when I decided to focus on losing the belly pooch, it was so exciting to see results and my abs!

Our bodies need food and in this day and age, we are so lucky and blessed to have it readily available everywhere we look. There are so many delicious choices that it makes your head spin. With genius advertising, it is difficult to sort through what is healthy and good for you and what is not. Even though we all know that fresh fruits and veggies are what we should be eating, it is not always easy.

There are certain foods you should avoid and certain foods that you should eat. Don't worry, we'll make this easy. Let's face it, it if isn't an easy change, it isn't going to happen or last.

How To See Fast Results With Getting Rid Of Belly Fat
Foods You Should Avoid:
Sugar filled foods like; Desserts, treats, candies, and goodies
Sugar filled beverages like; soda pop, energy drinks, fruit juices
Refined foods like; white bread, white rice, white pasta and tortillas
Fatty foods like; deep fried food, foods cooked in saturated fats

Don't be scared by this list. You only need to cut out these foods for two weeks. You can do anything for 2 weeks. You will be amazed at how much energy you will have without the fatty foods bringing you down and the high's and low's of food with sugar.

After a week, your body will not crave sugar as much. It really is a nice feeling of relief. When I experienced this, I no longer had and argument in head about how much dessert to eat, or if I should eat it. I already knew it was off limits and it was freeing to not be weighed down by food temptations controlling me.

Once the 2 weeks is up, be moderate in adding these foods back in. Only eat them on the weekends and in small amounts.

Foods You Should Devour:
100% Whole Grains like; brown rice, whole wheat breads and pasta
Fruits and veggies; fresh is preferable, but canned or bottled is okay.
Foods high in protein like; fish, seafood, eggs, lean meats, and legumes
Water, water, and more water

Think of fruits and veggies as easy to go snacks, because they are. Most of them come with their own packaging. They are portable and easy to take and eat on the go.

If there is one thing of the many suggestions above that you do, choose to cut out sugar. The fastest way to get rid of that belly fat is cutting out the sugar and extra carbs.

How To Reduce Weight With Guggul Natural Herbs

Guggul or Commiphorawightii is a shrub or flowering plant. It grows as a short tree in a semi-arid environment and comes in different varieties; each variety has different uses, and its usage is determined partly by the colour and age of the gum. It is a common, yet one of the important herb as per Indian Ayurveda. The herb is famous for resinous sap, which is obtained from its bark. Guggulsterone, a plant steroid and an active ingredient extracted from gum guggul. Scientific research has evaluated that the herb has the great ability to support weight management apart from the other health benefits.

Himalaya Guggul has very penetrating and subtle qualities, because of which it is often used to carry other substances deep into the tissues. Further, its rejuvenating and detoxifying qualities are aroused when combined with other herbs. All the tissues of the body, as well as nervous, respiratory, digestive and circular systems, has a high affinity towards guggul. It works as a cleansing agent that allows it to clear the toxins from channels and tissues and keep them rejuvenated. In fact, the beneficial attributes of the guggul are because of its scraping quality.

The guggulsterone found in guggul have lipid lowering features. Conventionally guggul has been used to lower and control the cholesterol levels, and various scientific studies have supported this. It also synthesises the cholesterol in the human body and enhances the excretion and the degradation of cholesterol. Further, the guggulsterone optimal thyroid health, that means it returns the metabolism to a normal level, and once the metabolism is at a reasonable level or stable it supports the body to burn calories and fat naturally.

Cellular and tissue damages are caused by reactive oxygen species that are produced during the general fat oxidation process. Guggul mitigates the activities of enzymes like xanthine oxidase and lipid peroxidase that are key to lipid oxidation and produces the antioxidants vital for the protection of tissues and cells. Further, it reduces the body weight by affecting the thyroid hormones. It increases the production of triiodothyronine or T3 and thyroxine or T4.

Triiodothyronine and thyroxine are thermogenic compounds that increase the metabolism rate of the body and burns the stored fat. Thyroid hormones also enhance the protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism, apart from increased breakdown of body fat.

It has other health benefits also like it is very useful in bone inflammation, joint pain, muscle pain, benign prostatic hypertrophy and other maladies. The actions performed by guggul phytochemicals at the cellular level make the herb a potent immunomodulator. It helps the immune system to provide a timely and appropriate response. Guggulsterone has been widely used for the treatment of dermatitis. The herb extract is also used for increasing insulin sensitivity and can also be used as an appetite suppressant.

It promotes lipid synthesis in the skin, and its benefits extend beyond treating dermatitis. It increases the production as well as reduces degradation of triglycerides in the skin cells, which gives the skin a supple appearance and keep it wrinkle free and smooth.

As a precautionary measure, herbs should not be used by pregnant women and those suffering from hormonal imbalance. It should not be combined with blood thinner as it promotes blood clotting. Guggul is a natural herb that has great health benefits and promotes weight loss in a natural way, still while buying guggul supplement preference should be given to those that are standardised by guggulsterone content.